One of the most important ways IRBs can improve the informed consent process is by encouraging investigators to confirm comprehension for their potential subjects, an expert suggests.
The FDA briefly suspended the ability of an independent IRB to conduct expedited reviews after raising concerns over the conduct of one such review.
Research institutions and officials increasingly are finding that extra layers of oversight are better than too few. While IRBs once were the only organizations to oversee human subjects protection of research participants, now there are additional committees and offices assisting with this task.
IRBs ordinarily are concerned with studies that test a specific drug or intervention on patients, students, or other end-users of health care services.
To achieve success in pediatric research, investigators need to reach and convince one vital group of people parents, who must decide whether to expose their children to the inconveniences and even potential risk of research participation.
This publication is a reanalysis of 45 epidemiological studies to determine the impact of ever-use of oral contraceptives on the long-term prevention of ovarian cancer.
A paper presented at the American Thoracic Society's 2008 International Conference in Toronto in May suggests that patients with end-stage lung cancer may benefit from noninvasive ventilation (NIV).
A new study on ICU physicians conducted by an assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland found that physicians are less comfortable discussing end-of-life issues and do it less frequently with African-American patients and their families than with Caucasian patients and families.